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REACTIONS - Microsoft E3 press conference

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Uncle Orbius:
So I stayed up late to watch the MS press conference. Here I share some of my thoughts and reaction. Please share yours too, I'll be curious to hear what you thought.

The new console
MS led with details and design of their new console, no longer referred to as 'Scorpion' but 'Xbox One X'. The design looked a bit bland, but the good news is it's smaller in size and I believe the power unit is built in, so a great achievement.

Due to the power of the Scorpion processor, it has an console industry first of being liquid cooled.

For me there was a complete lack of detail for the console at the press conference. They did emphasise it power credentials to much praise of the geeks in the audience. They did say the important stuff like 4k blu-ray but nothing on connectivity for example or whether the power button was going to be a real button this time.

Overall, I excited about the new console, but not enough to rush out and get it at launch as there is nothing compelling for me. Things might have been different if I had a 4k telly or monitor.

Forza 7 had a great start with showing of the premiere global revealing of a 2018 Porsche, but not much else about the game. Disappointing.

There was a flurry of games, lots of which were exclusives. I was probably getting quite tired as there wasn't much that got me excited. Some of them looked gorgeous, others were just meh!

What stood out for you, what caught your attention, was there anything that was exciting for you?


Expired One:
I'll watch it today and let you know but general sense in work was the x looks like a good machine but again no games and unless you have a 4k TV or really want your games running 1080 60fps then there no rush to x.

Pretty much what Expired said. As someone who is yet to upgrade to a 4K TV and is unlikely to do so just yet unless my current Bravia (that I'm perfectly happy with) dies, it seem like I would get a minimal upgrade for that hefty price tag.

With the previous "new gen" consoles you bought into the fact that it would be new games running on new hardware, making that price tag justifiable (not to the missus, but fine by me) but this is more like upgrading your smartphone to the next improved version. It doesn't make the previous one obsolete, it just improves on it. The specs are impressive, but that price tag is high. I know there's a difference in tax, but it seems the UK price is even higher than the US, $499 works out currently to £391, a further £60 is quite a difference.

Games wise, nothing was outstanding. Forza and the new Metro game looked good. It's got to be a bit meh that being able to play Crimson Skies again, a game for 2000, was a highlight.  ;D

I found the conference better then last years, but I was still missing a big exclusive that could blow me away.

The new console looks to be a powerhouse, but the name is a bit awkward but I get the idea that it's clear that it puts it in the same generation as the Xbox One and Xbox One S.

Forza Motorsport 7 looks to become that best racing game yet and console exclusive.

Metro Exodus was a nice surprise, really loved the previous games. But not exclusive.

Assassin's Creed Origins looks to become something nice again and hopefully makes the series feel fresh again. Again not exclusive.

State of Decay 2 could become somthing nice for the fans, but I'm kinda done with these zombie games (please bring on L4D3 8)) Console exclusive.

Crackdown 3 is not a game I'm looking forward to but there are people giving praise to the previous games. Console exclusive.

Sea of Thieves was a surprise to me, when it was revealed last year I wasn't impressed but seeing the gameplay last night I'm considering giving this a chance. It looks like it'll give some real pirate action never seen before  ;D console exclusive.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm had a lot of people cheering, just got the Original game on my PS Plus subscription so gonna give that one a go soon 8). Not exclusive.

Original Xbox backwards compatibility was a nice surprise for those wanting this.

Anthem was looking stunning, but I'm not sure if it'll look like this on release. There is not enough info to give a good judgement, but I'll keep my eyes on this one 8). Nothing was said about exclusivity so I recon this'll be coming to PC and PS4 aswell or else they would've said so.

Overall it was fun to watch, a lot of games were shown but most of it wasn't worth mentioning and I got bored with the whole exclusive this, exclusive that.

Looking forward to the PC gaming and Ubisoft show today, but I'll probably won't stay up for Sony's conference.

Uncle Orbius:
Looks like we have a consensus going on here at OldG, I wonder if that is reflective in the Xbox gaming world, ie, no need to rush to get an Xbox One X, and games where a bit it so-so.

I'm not saying Forza 7 is going to be crap, I just get suspicious when developers don't go into any detail, especially with a AAA title like FM7, you think they could easily have filled ten minutes just talking about new game features.

I did like the look of Assassins Creed Origins and Sea of Thieves, which, like Fing3r, I thought this year's demo beat last years, probably cos they had what sounded like Simon Pegg narrating.


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