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Japanese Elden Ring Survey Reveals Player's Favorite Weapons, Classes & More



Here are the results of the survey which was with 1,700 Elden Ring players in Japan, these were translated by Frontlinejp.

The Top 3 Age Groups playing Elden Ring:
1) 25-29
2) 30-34
3) 35-39

The Top 3 Most Common Amounts of Time Played:
1) 100-149 hours
2) 150-199 hours
3) 200-299 hours

The Top 3 Player Level Ranges:
1) 150 and above
2) 120-149
3) 90-119

The Top 3 Things Players Like About Elden Ring:
1) The story/world
2) The map
3) Exploration

The Top 3 First Classes Chosen:
1) Vagabond
2) Samurai
3) Prisoner

The Top Stats Prioritized:
1) Vigor
2) Endurance
3) Dexterity
4) Strength
5) Intelligence
6) Mind
7) Arcane
8) Faith

The Top 10 Favorite Weapon Types:
1) Katanas
2) Greatswords
3) Medium Shields
4) Staves
5) Curved Swords
6) Colossal Swords
7) Sacred Seals
8) Bows
9) Greatshields
10) Straight Swords

The Top 10 Favorite Ashes of War:
1) Bloodhound Step
2) Transient Moonlight
3) Parry
4) Rivers of Blood
5) Hoarfrost Stomp
6) Flame of the Redmanes
7) Bloody Slash
8) Sword Dance
9) Seppuku
10) Golden Parry

The Top 10 Favorite Spells and Incantations:
1) Comet Azur
2) Golden Vow
3) Adula’s Moonblade
4) Rock Sling
5) Flame, Cleanse Me
6) Glintstone Pebble
7) Loretta’s Greatbow
8) Flame, Grant Me Strength
9) Meteorite of Aster
10) Lighting Spear/Ranni’s Dark Moon

The Top 10 Favorite Talismans:
1) Erdtree’s Favor
2) Shard of Alexander
3)Great-Jar’s Arsenal
4) Gold Scarab
5) Dragoncrest Greatshield
6) Grave-Mass Talisman
7) Carian Filigreed Crest
8) Radagon’s Soreseal
9) Radagon Icon
10) Claw Talisman

The Top 10 Favorite Spirit Ashes:
1) Mimic Tear
2) Black Knife Tiche
3) Spirit Jellyfish
4) Latenna the Albinauric
5) Lone Wolf
6) Greatshield Soldier
7) Skeletal Militiamen
8) Lhutel the Headless
9) Banished Knight Oleg
10) Redman Knight Ogha

Top 10 Most Memorable NPCs:
1) Ranni the Witch
2) Iron Fist Alexander
3) Blaidd
4) Millicent
5) Melina
6) Patches
7) Sorceress Sellen
8) Rya
9) Blackguard Big Boggart
10) Smithing Master Hewg

Top 10 Most Memorable Enemies:
1) Starscourge Radahn
2) Malenia, Blade of Miquella
3) Margit, the Full Omen
4) Tree Sentinel
5) Maliketh, the Black Blade
6) Elden Beast
7) Godrick the Grafted
8) Crucible Knight
9) Radagon of the Golden Order
10) Hoarah Loux, Warrior

Top 10 Most Memorable Areas:
1) Caelid
2) Limgrave
3) Leyndell, Royal Capital
4) Nokron, Eternal City
5) Stormveil Castle
6) Atlus Plateau
7) Lake of Rot
8) Academy of Raya Lucaria
9) Mohgwyn Palace
10) Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Expired One:
That's a lot of stats


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