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Oldgamerz - the story so far
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Topic: Oldgamerz - the story so far (Read 63558 times)
fired upon
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Oldgamerz - the story so far
June 05, 2020, 09:55:45 pm »
OldGamerz the beginning
When OldGamerz was just a little twinkle in our founders eye a man called InsomniacP (later known as Nukeproof Mega) had a vision. That there could be a gaming world without the pitter patter chitter chatter of younger gamerz - a world that could be fun, a world without stats (which are for Twats as Mr Dangly Atom wisely once said) and abuse. A world where no one shared what they'd done to our mothers. A world without being pwned and without noobs.
InsomniacP had a vision and he shared this with his friends who said “make it so” and so OldGamerz began. It turned out that others shared his vision and with settlors like T330WL, SneakyPete, Bilbo of Bagend, Futbar, GorillaChops, Reddy & Shabbyj so OldGamerz started on it's quest. To be a home for Gamerz over 30 who shared their vision.
Xbox was their home and COD was their staple diet for many a while. And so the people were happy.
But soon there came an invader, soon COD was taken to the Battlefield and the Bad Company (2) challenged COD to be the main game of choice.
Soon the talk was of munching tags along with COD and the people's hunger was sated.
Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 01:08:39 pm by Fired Upon
fired upon
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #1 on:
June 05, 2020, 09:57:01 pm »
Time for change
One day our great founder InsomniacP said it's time to take a break from my people and leave OldGamerz in new hands. And so there was Shabbyj the mellow.
Shabbyj said let us stay chilled and relaxed and let us enjoy our gaming. For we are old (but maybe not so wise) but we can still have fun.
Until the next big releases.... COD Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 tested the people's faith. One raised the bar and one dropped it on the floor. This was a decisive moment for the site. With the advent of member servers Battlefield 3 rose like a phoenix from the ashes and so BF3 mania was born.
At the height of BF3 mania BF3 had seven servers and 4 team leagues, and so OldGamerz flourished. With members like Expired One, Backbeat50, Mr-Hippo, Dangly Atom, Tequila Slam and Spackmoid captaining the teams BF3 became the game of choice for many on the site.
As that phoenix flew from the ashes so OldGamerz grew and expanded. Shabbyj, MadGeordie51 and Expired One led the charge with help from many others in the background.
And so there was Forza 4. Forza was there in the background next to COD and Battlefield quietly enjoying some spaghetti western racing with racers like Dribble, Cannonfodda and II Jumper II leading the Forza pack. Just like the Battlefield leagues Forza started leagues too with Oldg Bulldog starting the first ever Forza league. As members moved on to other games the Forza leagues stayed and grew with other members like Fired Upon, Uncle Orbius, The Henwood, Bright Lights, Absolutely Fumin', Off Target and Loopy Dean adding their own flavour to Forza. Racing grew from strength to strength with artists like Robbo Ukr, Loopy Lisa and The Henwood all leaving their marks with some nice looking cars.
And so the site grew.
Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 10:00:27 pm by Fired Upon
fired upon
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #2 on:
June 05, 2020, 09:57:29 pm »
Change and growth
By now the site catered for many different games, and gamerz grouped together to play what they liked to play. Blade led the charge for the COD players with Expired One heading the Battlefield brigade. Fired Upon and The Henwood fought the Forza corner and so the site grew.
And with that growth so there was dissension. For some competition became a driving force and for some having fun was more important. Each games gamerz travelled their own path and some sad goodbyes were said.
Soon Shabbyj said it is time for a change. To take a breather and relax again, and so he did. Expired One and Fired Upon came in to take his mantle and so OldGamerz changed.
Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 01:12:38 pm by Fired Upon
fired upon
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #3 on:
June 05, 2020, 09:58:00 pm »
The rise of PC gaming
And now OldGamerz reached a cross roads as some members rediscovered PC gaming and new console releases were round the corner. From an Xbox led site OldGamerz began to diversify. Members began to make their way along a rocky road to a new way of gaming.
Two games brought on the PC revolution and brought PC Gamers into their own. Minecraft and World of Tanks.....
With PC’s came new ways of talking, starting withTeamspeak. Now PC gaming was as popular as Xbox gaming, if not more. With the the integration of site and team speak, members could see who was on teamspeak while on the site making it even easier to game with friends.
Members such as EthanZ, Caribou, Fridarey, Verence and Ogruls led the charge for PC gaming and so a new era was born.
Then from out of nowhere came Elite: Dangerous. In the words of Mr-Hippo - Apparently the original Elite left quite an imprint on our impressionable younger selves back in the mid 80's and for six months or so after Elite Dangerous launched on the PC, much of Oldg was driven by pure nostalgia, with several new members joining every day.
Elite may well have been the biggest PC game here ever, the Teamspeak server was bursting at the seams for quite a while there, even some die hard console guys were in on the action. Who knew that grinding massive amounts of virtual currency in space could be so addictive?
Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 01:46:46 pm by MR-HIPPO
fired upon
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #4 on:
June 05, 2020, 09:58:24 pm »
A new discord on Oldg
Then came a new member AwfulMrRobot. AwfulMrRobot had an idea. He said why should we not try a new way to talk. I hear of a new Mecca known as Discord which is free to use and good to try. Fired Upon, Caribou and Fridarey with a dedicated band of oldg’ers set it up and tried it out - bringing on the next oldg pc revolution.
Now PC was becoming bigger than consoles on oldg but the oldg console players remained dedicated and strong. Members such as Uncle Orbius, Nad2dare, Sharkbiscuit79, Detski and DavDell now flew the console flag. Games such as Forza, Gears of War, Battlefield and COD remained popular and the age old choice of COD vs Battlefield still remained. World of Tanks arrived on the consoles and also found it’s place. And so the years went by.
fired upon
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #5 on:
June 05, 2020, 09:58:48 pm »
OldGamerz: the next generation
Now OldGamerz is almost 10 years old. Coronavirus has arrived and there’s a resurgence in gaming with members in lockdown and isolation around the globe.
Old favourites such as COD have risen from the ashes with Nad2dare and Uncle Orbius reigniting the flame and others such as World of Tanks remain strong. The racers still remain too with the arcade and sim games still flying high. Other games such as CS:GO and World of Warships have their place as well. And a foray into Dungeons and Dragons shows new possibilities.
With this came a time for reflection and change. Fired Upon decided now was the time to step back and let others lead the charge. And so came the return of Shabbyj the Mellow and Madgeordie working with Expired One to head Back to the Future.......
Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 10:04:12 pm by Fired Upon
fired upon
Global Moderator
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Re: Oldgamerz - the story so far
Reply #6 on:
September 22, 2022, 03:22:41 pm »
10 years of OldGamerz
On 11 December 2020, OldGamerz reached the grand old age of 10. COVID-19 measures were still going strong around the world and many were still experiencing lockdowns. Gaming for many was an escape from other world worries and loss. Dungeons and Dragons joined the site for most of the year and for some it was an escape into another world.
New members joined, some stayed and some left. The heart and core of oldg remained strong. Shabby had moved on but Expired One and Madgeordie continued to lead the site.
New staff members such as Curried-Cat, PorkCrackling and Homer Ramone came along to help and support them and lasting friendships continued to be made. With the support of our members OldGamerz continued to stay strong in Covid times.
As cross platform capabilities expanded members took advantage of this for gaming nights where Xbox and PC gamers could start to play together more. Newer kids on the block like Sea of Thieves, Fall Guys and Dying Light joined old friends such as World of Tanks, Gears of War, Call of Duty and Forza. The oldg faithful remained strong.
2022: the post-Covid era
And so for many Covid measures have been relaxed and removed. People start returning to new routines but many old friends remain. Cross platform gaming nights remain with favourites such as Forza and Sea of Thieves being joined by new favourites like Valheim, Icarus and Back 4 Blood.
Sadly this is the year we said goodbye to Madgeordie - RIP old friend, oldg until the end. Expired One remains to lead our site and continue the oldg way.
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