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Author Topic: Cod Zombies (all Platforms) 8:00pm 22/08/2024  (Read 634 times)

Offline Expired One

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Cod Zombies (all Platforms) 8:00pm 22/08/2024
« on: August 18, 2024, 12:15:23 pm »
Zombies I need not to say anymore

Offline Uncle Orbius

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Re: Cod Zombies (all Platforms) 8:00pm 22/08/2024
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2024, 05:58:49 pm »
I'm getting old and my dyslexia must be getting worse, I thought this game night was tonight, but it looks like you played yesterday. So by reckoning by the time tomorrow comes, I should have caught up with what's going on 🤪

and now for the IMPORTANT BIT..... Battle.net is downloading a massive Cod Update, so anyone playing should check well before tomorrow, depending on your connection speed.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 06:01:20 pm by Uncle Orbius »

Offline Expired One

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Re: Cod Zombies (all Platforms) 8:00pm 22/08/2024
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2024, 03:14:05 pm »
I'm getting old and my dyslexia must be getting worse, I thought this game night was tonight, but it looks like you played yesterday. So by reckoning by the time tomorrow comes, I should have caught up with what's going on 🤪

and now for the IMPORTANT BIT..... Battle.net is downloading a massive Cod Update, so anyone playing should check well before tomorrow, depending on your connection speed.

lol no zombies tonight we played eldenring still have no idea if there a story to game, we just wonder around aimless beating bosses. In my cases die and homer kills the boss.