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Author Topic: My Annual Fifa Review But It's A GOOD Review SHOCK!!!!!  (Read 1318 times)

Offline BlueBaron

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My Annual Fifa Review But It's A GOOD Review SHOCK!!!!!
« on: March 25, 2018, 06:11:45 pm »
Usually I slag Fifa off not because I hate Fifa, because I don't. It was one of the first great football games  in the early days of consoles.

My issue as always been, it actually gets worse year after year and when this generation of consoles came out, Fifa looked amazing but your eyes were tricked like that bird you thought was amazing looking on that night out you sank 10 pints  ???

In fact Fifa 10 was the turning point when Fifa started to be better than PES but round about Fifa 13 it stalled then nosed dived getting worse. With everyone noticing the obvious that EA just recycling idea's from one version to another.

It got so bad that one selling point of a Fifa promotion was Messi had his full sleeve tattoo in the game, ffs, you are scraping the barrel, if that's a selling point for a football game.

Then you had the robots buying and selling cards in Fifa Ultimate Team (FUT) screwing up that part of the game and coin sellers with multiple accounts and robots.

Plus not to mention syncing issues with online matches.

All of which I never let go unnoticed in my scathing reviews. Which were warranted for a game that retails at the best part of £100 for some versions.

The scathing reviews weren't just reviews based on the game as a standalone but compared to other incarnations of the game in the past that were so much better.

But this year FIFA 18 is a good football game, it's not perfect but it's very playable.

The FUT part of the game has taken a lot of idea's from Madden Ultimate Team which allows the average person to get hold of nice cards/players in the Squad Building Challenges (SBC).

Also the size of the transfer cards youcan sell is upto a maximum of 100 cards per account, which makes it less likely you would want a second account for the average person.

One major thing is the scripting that EA have done in the past, it's still in the game but way less noticeable. EA have blended it well into the game to try and balance out players skills but now it reduces the skill gap for a better overall gaming experience in general but with out the 'DIRE'  >:( you can't pass the ball 5 yards because you are doing well in your league or your team is way better than the guy you are playing or your skill level is so much better than his.

Now for the achilles heel of FIFA the SUNDAY LEAGUE DEFENDING.

Now people will say FIFA 18 is even harder to defend with than previous versions but I have some issues with a bad thumb at the moment which involves me using some controller adaptations and I can defend better than past FIFA's. Yes defending is hard but they have made it like any other skill in FIFA where there is a method you can master to get better, basically there is a logic to it through difficult to master it is possible.

Passing is improved too.

Lots of positives this year, about @%$*% time I might add.

Overall I give FIFA 18 a strong 8.5 out of 10.

P.S. Wondering never cease  :JC-goalie:   

« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 11:25:13 am by BlueBaron »

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Re: My Annual Fifa Review But It's A GOOD Review SHOCK!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2018, 11:35:01 am »
ea cash cow I've been saying for years what they need to do with there sports franchise is the move to two years program, so their teams can innervate game instead of just yearly cosmetic to the game.