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Author Topic: Tekken 7 Console Release Date Announced  (Read 1961 times)

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Tekken 7 Console Release Date Announced
« on: January 24, 2017, 01:08:22 pm »
Bandai Namco announced today a delay to the upcoming console release of its side-steppin' 3D fighting game Tekken 7. Originally slated for release in early 2017, Bandai Namco revealed today the new date of June 2, 2017.

It incorporates all the content from the most recent arcade version of Tekken 7, Fated Retribution, while also adding a number of game modes and characters. Indeed, the roster will be more than 30 strong.

Katsuhiro Harada spoke during a press event in Tokyo last week. "We saw some titles--some from our own company and some from others--which didn't have a very good launch because of a lack of content, or whatever it was, that caused players to bash the product." Harada and team wanted to avoid a similar fate, deciding to continue forward with its original content plan, "even if that meant the game would come a little later."

According to Harada, the decision wasn't an easy one. "Although this is the first time we've actually announced a date, it wasn't always June. It came through a process and we made some hard decisions and that was the result." Apologetically, he added "'early' was probably March or April from your average person's perspective, so we're not going to try and sugar-coat it. We realise it's not 'early,' I'm so sorry!"

The final release date was also accompanied by other details. Those who preorder Tekken 7 will receive a bonus character – Eliza, “the vampire dark beauty of the Tekken roster.” Eliza originally debuted in 2013’s free-to-play instalment for PS3, Tekken Revolution, and has been “revamped” for Tekken 7. Digital pre-orders from the Xbox Store unlock a free copy of Tekken 6 via backwards compatibility.

Meanwhile, the PlayStation 4 version will have its exclusive content, including legacy costumes from Tekken 4 and Tekken 2 for King, Xiaoyu and Kin, as well as 'Jukebox Mode' where players can listen to old Tekken tracks and even create bespoke playlists of Tekken tunes to listen to while playing.

Tekken 7 will also have a season pass for the first time in the series’ history. It will be bundled with the Deluxe Edition of the game, which “includes a unique game mode, special characters, exclusive costumes and 30 metallic costumes as a bonus for season pass purchasers,” according to Harada. The Collector’s Edition, meanwhile, includes a steel book, the game soundtrack and a Heihachi vs Kazuya figurine.

The latter ties into the home release’s Story mode, which will focus on the battle between Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima; between father and son. “This battle is something that’s been going on throughout the series,” said Harada, “but we’ve never really delved into why they’re trying to kill each other… So this is the first time we actually get to see what went on in the history between those two, and to actually see some kind of conclusion.”

“It’s going to be told almost from a different person’s perspective,” he continued, “not the father or the son, but someone watching from the sidelines, and so it’s actually a good chance for people who don’t know anything about the series to jump in because you won’t feel left out if you start from this one.”

The other key mode that has been revealed to date is Tournament mode, which should prove a boon to the competitive scene, allowing up to eight players to quickly form a bracket and fight it out. The mode includes different selectable rule-sets – i.e. single or double elimination, and tournaments can be password protected. Players waiting for their game can also spectate fights in progress.

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Re: Tekken 7 Console Release Date Announced
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 05:34:10 pm »
I think i will be getting this :)

Offline Fired Upon

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Re: Tekken 7 Console Release Date Announced
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 09:28:00 am »
Good on them for waiting to release until the game is ready.