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Author Topic: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Runs at 4K, or 60FPS, But Not Both on Xb1X/PS4Pro  (Read 1532 times)

Offline nad2dare

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Yesterday evening, news started circulating that Shadow of the Tomb Raider would be running at 4K 60FPS on the Xbox One X – an impressive technical feat to say the least. The news came from an interview with EPN TV, but it seems the information was incorrect.

Eidos Montréal studio head David Anfossi in an interview mentioned both 4K and 60FPS functionality for the game, but as it turns out, he meant two separate options, not a combination.

In a statement to Windows Central, Square Enix clarified that the game will have a 4K setting and a 60FPS setting on PS4 Pro and Xbox One, but these will be separate modes.

"Shadow of the Tomb Raider will not run 60 FPS while in 4K. To allow for a more customised gameplay experience, the game will include two visual modes: ‘4K Resolution’ which runs in 4K resolution at 30 FPS, and ‘High Resolution’ which is targeting 1080p at 60 FPS.

"Both modes will feature a wide variety of additional enhancements such as HDR, improved physically-based rendering, hardware tessellation, anisotropic filtering, additional dynamic foliage, and more."

While this is a little disappointing for those expecting the game to blow the next gen doors off our enhanced consoles, this is somewhat the norm for games with Pro and X support. All that's left now is for everyone to decide if they want higher resolution on Lara's fancy TressFX hair, or for that fancy hair to move at a more fluid pace.